About Lunarsat Network

Lunarsat Networkは東京都東村山市にある個人運営のホームサーバです。
現在友人・知人のみのサービスとして、Windows 2008 R2 + Apache-2.4.xを利用したサーバスペースのレンタルを行っています。


<In English transrated Article>
Lunarsat Network is the Home server network operated by an indivisual from Hachioji, Tokyo. The server space rental using Windows 2008 R2 server and Apache-2.4.x for my friend is being done now.

It's service that we have managed by the hobby, so we might not be able to correspond to sudden trouble (Hard disk crash, Line construction, Power failure etc.). But We can offer a much hosting space than another free hosting services. If you request capacity from stability from the hosting, this service might be a best selection for you.